Razoo.com has named Tostan among its top 100 charities for 2008 in its Definitive Guide to Charitable Giving. Tostan is listed alongside many other well-known charities and nonprofit groups.

From Razoo’s description:

« Created with direct input from leaders in the philanthropic community and data from our powerful nonprofit search engine, the Razoo 100 provides insight into the best organizations to make the most significant social impact with donors’ contributions. »

For More Information:

Razoo 100 Website

Razoo’s Press Release

About Razoo
Razoo is a donor-driven online platform for charitable giving that empowers donors to fully understand, manage and embrace their own contributions. With Razoo, donors can find and research over 1.6 million nonprofit organizations, donate directly online without transaction fees, read articles about the world of giving and activism, and manage their charitable portfolios.