Media Center
For media enquiries, to join our media list, or to be directed to an expert from our organization, please fill the form below and a member of our team will get back to you shortly. For more information on Tostan keep scrolling for helpful resources.
Our program and field staff members are available for interviews on the Tostan model, our human-rights based education programs as well as child marriage, FGC and other human-rights related issues. The Chief Executive Officer of Tostan, Elena Bonometti, is available for interview in English, French and Italian. The Founder and Creative Director, Molly Melching, is available for interview in English, French and Wolof. Please fill the form at the top of this page for any interview request.

Read from a large selection of press articles related to Tostan! Some of our favorites are Renforcement des droits des femmes au Sénégal and Two approaches to women’s empowerment in Senegal.

Contact us if you need high resolution photos from Tostan. A selection of videos from and about Tostan is available on YouTube. For the latest news and stories, follow Tostan on social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. You can also sign up to our newsletter by filling the form available here.

Read below for a selection of previous articles
- Tamba/Komoty: Tostan/Zonal Declaration/30 Communities Officially Abandon FGC and Child Marriage
- Melinda French Gates Highlights 5 Women Inspiring Change in Their Communities in Rwanda and Senegal
- Cultures of dignity are possible: Lessons on how to build organizations that respect humans
- Gender minister hails Tostan for “complementing gov’t efforts”
- The Heart of the Solution
- Renforcement des droits des femmes au Sénégal
- Two approaches to women’s empowerment in Senegal
- Célébration des 30 ans de Tostan
- Protection de l’enfant à Médina Yéro Foula : TOSTAN met en œuvre le projet Renforcement des Pratiques Parentales
- Invité de la Matinale Malick Niang Gestionnaire Tostan
- Tostan awarded GRA URR taxpayer of the year 2021
- Tostan CEP significantly enhances URR communities
Echo Oriental | November 22
marie claire | August 22
IDinsight | August 30
The Point (The Gambia) | June 3
Global Washington | April 29
Government of Canada | April 22
IDinsight | April 13
Thiès Info | March 16
Kolda Communication | February 27
Rewmi Officiel | February 2
The Alkamba Time | February 2
The Point (The Gambia) | January 6
- Sénégal : la Fondation Mastercard appuie la résilience post-COVID-19
- When shame kills: why do so many mothers in Senegal feel forced to murder their babies?
- Localized development and the future of aid
- Tostan: Dignity for All
- Empowering Communities to Lead their Own Development
(French)APA News | December 2
The Guardian | July 29
Devex | July 16
AC Observer | April 12 | February 12
- Transformative impact at scale in Senegal
- COVID-19 highlights the value of context-specific messaging
- A table for two at Tostan: organizational well-being and leadership transformation
- Ending Female Genital Cutting
Oxfam | December 14
Devex | September 17
Skoll Foundation | August 3
Association for Coaching | July 1
- Global Voices: Interview with Molly Melching
- Melinda Gates: What she’s learned
- Melinda Gates pairs her reading and her travel
- Mentoring: How it Begins
- Småskaliga företag hoppet för ökad framtidstro i Senegal
- ByKids: Walk on My Own
- POV speakers to illuminate global women’s issues
World Bank | October 18
Christian Science Monitor | September 18
Amy Sutherland, Boston Globe | April 23
Thrive Global | April 1
(Swedish) Dagens Nyheter | March 15
PBS | February 19
Idaho Mountain Express | January 23
- Tambacounda : En caravane, Tostan sensibilise pour l’abandon de l‘excision et du mariage des enfants
- Koulikoro : L’ONG TOSTAN et les leaders religieux de ses zones d’intervention en conclave sur l’accélération de l’abandon des violences basées sur le genre
- «Derrière les mariages précoces, il y a un besoin d’ascension sociale»
(French)Echo Oriental | December 1
(French)Meguetan Infos | June 19
(French)SeneNews | May 15
- 6 Experts to Watch on Female Genital Mutilation
- Senegal-Based Non-Profit Working Toward The Elimination Of Female Genital Mutilation
- Africa: Senegal Leading the Fight to End FGM in Africa
- A Senegal-based humanitarian group helps African communities reject harmful practices against women
- African Communities Work Together to End Female Genital Cutting
- Dix artistes africains qui s’engagent pour le continent
- She arrived in Senegal 43 years ago – and is still there working on social issues
- Child Marriage and Religion
- Honour for adults who fight for children’s rights
- The Ultimate Fixer — Ending a Thousand-year-old Tradition
- Here’s What You Need To Know About The Global Fight To End Female Genital Mutilation
- 6 ways to support women and girls all year round
- Sénégal: Actrices du développement – Des pas fermes dans l’autonomisation des femmes
- Sénégal: Vers l’édification de « Collectivités locales amies des enfants »
- Sénégal: Kolda/Paix et Securité – Tostan renforce les capacités des membres des comités de paix
- Mettre fin aux mutilations génitales féminines et excisions en Afrique
- Shedding light to measure right: Webinar provides guidance on evaluating integrated development approaches
News Deeply: Women & Girls | December 12
GirlTalkHQ | November 28
AllAfrica | November 28
LA Times | November 1
News Deeply: Women & Girls | August 23
(French)Radio France Internationale | July 21
The Christian Science Monitor | July 20
Skeptic Society Magazine | June 25
IOL | May 28
Inter Business | May 17
Buzzfeed | April 8
USA Today College | March 31
(French)AllAfrica | February 22
(French)AllAfrica | February 16
(French)AllAfrica | February 3
(French)Global Voices | January 18
(French)FHI 360 | January 3
- FGM Banned in 300 West African Villages in Powerful Win for Women & Girls
- What It Really Takes to Fund Peace and Security
- Hundreds of West African communities declare end to female genital mutilation
- Want to spark a social movement? 4 Lessons from However Long the Night
- #GivingTuesday – My Five NGOs for 2016
- Ending child brides: Advocate for more women as community leaders
- Surprising sustainability lessons from Africa and the Middle East
- Tostan’s Community Empowerment Training: A Q&A with participant Charles Banda from Youth Net and Counselling (Yoneco), Malawi
- Discovering empowerment through empowering others
- Molly Melching: ‘Maybe It Was Supposed to Be?’
- Ending Harmful Practices and Equipping the Next Generation
- Tostan’s intervention reduced domestic violence in our communities
- Changing social norms around child marriage: activists share what they’ve learned from Tostan
- How to end female genital cutting in our lifetime
- Social entrepreneurs can give government a lift
- Känslan av att äntligen bli synlig var fantastisk (in Swedish)
- Montreal woman hopes to break world travelling records
- Making Big Donations to Change the World
- Tostan’s community empowerment training: “Wisdom is like a baobab tree. No one individual can embrace it”
- Western do-gooders need to resist the allure of ‘exotic problems’
- Child Rights Hero: Molly Melching
- Fighting Gender Inequality with the Power of the Keyboard
- Aligning methods to inspire and monitor change
- Why New Numbers On FGM Should Make You At Least A Little Optimistic
- Communities are abandoning female genital cutting. And Africa hears them loud and clear
- Ending Female Genital Cutting in a Generation
- The Reductive Seduction of Other People’s Problems
Global Citizen | December 21
Inside Philanthropy | December 21
Reuters | December 20
Idealist Careers | December 15
LinkedIn | November 26
The Zimbabwean | November 14
Green Biz | October 18
Girls Not Brides | October 14
50 Connect | August 26
The Wall Street Journal | July 20
Global Citizen | July 14
The Point | June 9
Girls Not Brides | June 1
TEDxLondonBusinessSchool | May 31
Financial Times | May 18
Dagens Hyheter | May 17
CBC News | May 16
The New York Times | May 1
Girls Not Brides | April 28
The Guardian | April 21
World’s Children’s Prize | March 1
Center for Global Development | February 29
ITAD | February 26
Buzzfeed | February 5
Lifegate | February 5
Population Council | February 5
Medium | January 11
- To end forced marriage, we must work with the whole community
- How Social Entrepreneurs are Changing the World
- 5 Female-Focused Charities You Should Start Supporting Today
- This Mother’s Day, let’s support all moms by helping to ensure these things
- Turning Their Backs on Tradition
- Turning Their Backs On Tradition
- 5 Powerful Stories About FGM/C You Need to Hear
CNN | November 2
PBS | October 15
Huffington Post | July 10
Upworthy | May 10
(Swedish)Dagens Nyheter | February 6
(English translation by Tostan)Dagens Nyheter | February 6
Huffington Post | February 5
- Education is key to protecting children in West Africa
- 5 Best Charities That Benefit Women And Girls According To Melinda Gates
- Transforming Cycles of Violence Into Cycles of Prosperity
- 30 Women Entrepreneurs Making a Difference in the Community
- FGM – ‘An Act of Love’
- Lessons from the Transformative Scale Series
- Mothers of Innovation
- PRIORITÉ SANTÉ: 2. Excision (at 00:07:00)
- How One Woman Tackled Genital Mutilation and Child Marriage
- When the Rhythm Changes, So Must the Dance
- Addressing FGC on the Radio
- 3 Innovative NGOs in Education
- 10 Books Melinda and I Recommended to the TED Crowd
- Six innovations for ending violence against girls
- Women Who Inspire, and Surprise
- Lokala insatser har förbättrat livet för kvinnor och barn i Senegal
- A Journey to Witness How Change Happens
- Men Stepping Up: Ben Horowitz, Demba Diawara and Our Worldwide Fight to End Violence Against Women
- Extreme genital mutilation on retreat in Somaliland
- Communities in Mali Show the Way Forward in Ending Female Genital Cutting
- Lutter contre l’excision, un combat permanent (in French)
- Ending Child Marriage: What Works
- 30 millions de filles victimes de mutilations sexuelles dans les 10 prochaines années
- Mali communities denounce female genital cutting
- Communities in Mali lead the way on 6th February
- Journée mondiale contre l’excision (at 00:06:22)
- Mali: 14 communautés s’engagent à abandonner l’excision
- Daybreak Africa (at 00:21:00)
- Au Mali, la lutte contre l’excision piétine
- 2014 Amelia Bloomer Project List: However Long the Night
- Hear the MPR Top Coast Festival Speakers
- Inna Modja : au côté des jeunes filles excisées
- 3 Social Entrepreneurs Tackling Poverty, Human Rights And Water
- Sénégal: la musique pour le développement
- Slow progress in ending female genital mutilation
Christian Science Monitor | December 10
Buzzfeed | December 2
Huffington Post | October 10
Business Research Guide | July 22
Huffington Post | July 21
Stanford Social Innovation Review | June 19
FT Magazine | June 13
(French)Radio France Internationale | May 23
Huffington Post Impact Canada | May 22
Stanford Social Innovation Review | May 20
Huffington Post | May 15
Orchid Project | April 28
The Borgen Project | April 24
Gatesnotes | March 26
The Guardian | March 18
Huffington Post Global Motherhood Blog | March 17
(Swedish)UNICEF Sweden | March 8
LinkedIn | March 7
Huffington Post Impact | February 26
Digital Journal | February 20
Huffington Post | February 14
(French)La Croix | February 9
Girls Not Brides | February 7
(French)Le Monde | February 14
Daily Mail | February 6
DFID Blog | February 6
(French)Radio France Internationale | February 6
(French)La Presse | February 6
Voice of America | February 6
(French)Le Figaro | February 5
Amelia Bloomer Project | January 30
Minnesota Public Radio | January 27
(French)Femme Actuelle | January 24
Forbes | January 23
(French)Radio France Internationale | January 5
Bulletin of the World Health Organization | January 1
- My Booklist 2013
- Community-Based Health Program Reduces Child Mortality in Mali
- A Simple Community Health Remedy in Mali
- Q&A: How a new healthcare model could save thousands of children in Mali
- Find the child, treat them early: message from Mali
- Giving Back The Power Of Storytelling Through Film
- Tostan Brings Dignity for All
- The Investigation: Cutting Love (at 0:08:22)
- Le quartier des femmes : Au Sénégal, des détenues en détresse
- To change society, first change minds
- Betting on the Big Picture in West Africa
- Des chansons enregistrées par les communautés ouest-africaines isolées pour générer des fonds
- Ann Arbor nonprofit releases 9 albums of music from rural Senegal
- Aleg accueille la 2e déclaration publique d’abandon de l’excision (page 5)
- En Portada. “El juramento de Malicounda”
- Women in Business: Q & A With Maxine Manafy, CEO of Bunndle
- Redder kvinnene fra lemlestelse
- Afrikas stille revolusjon
- Chirurgie réparatrice de l’excision (at 0:04:30)
- Tradition and the Rule of Law: Female Genital Cutting in Africa and the Middle East
- Brakna / Haïmdatt : Tostan organise une pré-déclaration d’abandon de l’excision (in French)
- Danville native, social entrepreneur subject of book
- Ending female genital mutilation, one household at a time
- Breakthrough Leadership
- The Crucial Role Of Empathy In Development: Q&A With Social Entrepreneur Molly Melching
- Bill Gates reveals his summer reading list
- Report Finds Gradual Fall in Female Genital Cutting in Africa
- Millions of girls at risk of genital cutting, UN reports
- Talking Female Circumcision Out of Existence
- Bill Gates Reading List: Inventor, Philanthropist Names What He’ll Be Reading This Summer
- Tostan: Reinventing Global Education
- Boghé : Tostan réfléchit sur une déclaration d’abandon de l’excision
- Brakna / Aleg : Tostan évalue sa stratégie de lutte contre les MGF
- Facing the Future: How Successful Nonprofits Link Strategy to Leadership Development
- However Long the Night: A Q&A With Molly Melching
- Africa’s New Women’s Health Advocates: Traditional Male Chiefs
- My Conversation with Molly Melching, Humanitarian Extraordinaire and One of the Most Powerful Women in Women’s Rights
- Radio interview with Molly Melching in ‘Le Magazine au Féminin’
- Maternal Health is a Social Issue, Too
- However Long the Night: Molly Melching’s Journey to Help Millions of African Women and Girls Triumph
- Le Sénégal traîne toujours les pieds
- Victim turns campaigner: woman who travels the land, using her own story to fight horror of female genital mutilation
- The woman who is inspiring Africans to turn against female genital mutilation
- Help us protect schoolgirls at risk in the FGM ‘cutting season’
- Blog Tour: However Long the Night by Aimee Molloy
- In Senegal, a Campaign of Education and Dialogue on a Painful Rite of Passage
- Melinda Gates on the Cultural Approach to Female Genital Cutting
- Press Conference USA – Radio Interview
- Community-Based Program: More Women Refuse Female Genital Mutilation
- Tostan: Waxbarashaa Joojin Karta Gudniinka Fircooniga
- Change from Within
- A Study in Risk and Restraint
- Exclusive: Excerpt from However Long the Night by Aimee Molloy and Molly Melching
- Radio Broadcast:”Tina Brown’s Must Reads: Women vs. The World” by NPR Staff
- Book Review: “However Long the Night: Molly Melching’s Journey to Help Millions of African Women and Girls Triumph”
- Tostan founder shares stories of humanitarian work in Africa
- Seeing is believing – abandonment of FGC in Senegal
- Out of Africa: an answer to the obscenity of female mutilation
- In Senegal, a new president confronts an ancient tradition: child beggars
- U.K. Pledge on Female Genital Cutting is a Milestone, Says Tostan’s Molly Melching
- Feminist hero Sally Armstrong offers a rallying cry for change: Porter
- How Do You Scale Social Innovation Startups?
- Campaign against female genital mutilation gaining ground support, results
- Campaign against female genital mutilation gaining ground support, results
- Malawi’s Leader Makes Safe Childbirth Her Mission
- Human Rights Moves Forward in West Africa
- Giving Economic Freedom to Women in West Africa
Linkedin | December 31
Voice of America | December 18
The New York Times | December 16
Global Post | December 16
IRIN News | December 13
Huffington Post Global Motherhood Blog | December 11
Rainmakers TV | December 10
BBC Radio Scotland | November 17
(French)Axelle | November 1
CNN | October 31
The Huffington Post | October 17
(French)PressAfrik | October 15
MLive | October 15
(French)Nouakchott Info Quotidien | October 1
(Spanish)RTVE | September 20
Huffington Post | September 19
(Norwegian)Bergens Tidende | September 8
(Norwegian)Velsignet Helg | September 7
(French)Radio France Internationale | September 3
The World Justice Project | August 28
(French)Cridem | August 26
The Commercial News | August 24
The Guardian | August 22
Stanford Social Innovation Review | August 20
Forbes | August 19
The Telegraph | August 2
The New York Times | July 25
Al Jazeera America | July 22
The New York Times | July 17
Huffington Post | July 15
Borgen Magazine | July 13
(French)Cridem | July 9
(French)Cridem | July 8
The Bridgespan Group | June 30
Stanford Social Innovation Review | June 27
The Atlantic | June 13
Library of Clean Reads | June 8
(French)La Voix d’Amérique | June 5
Huff Post Global Motherhood | June 5 | June 5
(French)Sud Quotidien | June 1
London Evening Standard | May 21
London Evening Standard | May 20
London Evening Standard | May 16
Dreaming in Books | May 13
PBS NewsHour | May 9
Nonprofit Quarterly | May 6
Voice of America | May 4
Voice of America | May 2
(Somali)Voice of America | May 2
Sojourners | May 1
Stanford Social Innovation Review | April 30
Forbes | April 16
NPR | April 3
Shelf Awareness | March 27
The Daily Pennsylvanian | March 27
UK Minister Lynne Featherstone: Blog | March 24
The Times | March 23
The Christian Science Monitor | March 18
The Daily Beast | March 8
The Star | March 6
TechCrunch | February 16
The Christian Science Monitor | February 6
The Christian Science Monitor | February 6
The New York Times | February 6
Beverly Hills Courrier | January 25
The Huffington Post | January 23
- Tostan’s seminal role in the cessation of Female Genital Cutting gets formal UN backing
- Female genital mutilation: education can empower women and girls
- The African villages declaring an end to female genital mutilation
- Flickornas smärta är som salt i ett öppet sår
- When Helping Women Just ‘Clicks’
- Le Serment de Malicounda
- Hace quince años en Malicounda
- The Time Is Now, the Place Is Senegal
- Woman and Leadership: Let’s Continue the Conversation
- Meet The League Of Extraordinary Women: 60 Influencers Who Are Changing The World
- ‘Half the Sky’ exhibition hopes to inspire action
- Reflections on the ‘Women in the World Summit’
- A Healthy World Starts With Healthy Mothers
- Women in the World Confrence 2012
- A Weekend of Fearless Women: Tina Brown on Women in the World Summit
- Molly Melching: Enlist the Men!
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Highlights Need to End Female Genital Cutting
- Women Hold Up Half The Sky
- International Day Against Female Genital Cutting
- My battle against female genital cutting
- A Moratorium on Mutilation: Community Organizations Find Their own Path to Ending a Dangerous Practice
- Victory in sight for revolution over female genital mutilation
- Senegalese hip-hop artist Sister Fa calls for an end to the mutilation of girls
Network for Church Monitoring | December 22
The Guardian | December 5
The Guardian | December 5
(Swedish)Aftonbladet | October 24
The Huffington Post | September 25
(French)Femmes d’Aujourdhui | September 6
(Spanish)El País | August 27
The Huffington Post | July 31
The Huffington Post | June 21
Fast Company | June 5
The Christian Science Monitor | April 26
National Review Online | March 28
The Huffington Post | March 19
The Huffington Post | March 16
The Daily Beast | March 12
The Daily Beast | March 10
ABC News | February 16
The Huffington Post | February 14
The Huffington Post | February 9
The Guardian | February 6
RH Reality Check | February 6
The Independent | February 6
The Guardian | February 6
- A quiet welcome
- Senegal Curbs Bloody Rite for Girls and Women
- Female Circumcision
- Turning Senegalese
- Dr. Besser’s Notebook: Women’s Rights in Senegal
Philippine Daily Inquirer | December 5
The New York Times | October 1
Religion & Ethics Newsweekly | July 15
Financial Times | June 1
ABC News | March 16
- The Art of Social Change
The New York Times | October 22
- The Shame Game
The New York Times | October 1