Where We Work

Population: 13,885,724 (2021 estimate)
Capital: Conakry
Number of communities currently implementing the CEP: None
Location of Tostan country coordination office: Conakry
Languages offered in the CEP: Sousous, Malinké, Pulaar, Kissi, Guerze, French, English
Regions where we work: Upper Guinea ( CEP operational from 2002 – 2022)
Partners: National Agency for Community Development (ANAFIC), Coalition for the Fight against Trafficking and Exploitation (COLTE), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Women’s Rights and Empowerment, General Secretariat for Religious Affairs (SGAR), National Support Program for Convergence Communes (PNACC), Regional Inspectorate of Social Action, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNHCR, Aide et Action International, Club des Jeunes Fillles de Guinée, GUIDRE, National Directorate of Regulation and Promotion of NGOs and Association Movement (DNARPROMA), and Union for Development and Cooperation (UDEC).
Tostan implemented the Community Empowerment Program (CEP) in 40 communities in Upper Guinea. We are also working to reinforce the System of Child Protection in Guinea (SyPEG) through establishing, restructuring, and training community-level Child Protection Committees and Local Councils for Children and Families. The Community Management Committees (CMCs) in current partner communities form 10 CMC federations, which seek to better support development initiatives designed at the local level by community members themselves. Over the course of 2018, families from partner communities built 956 improved stoves. Thanks to awareness-raising efforts by CMCs, 880 children aged 0-5 years received polio vaccinations and communities organized 130 public clean-up days.

Population: 11,855,411 (July 2018 estimate)
Capital: Conakry
Number of communities currently implementing the CEP: 40
Location of Tostan country coordination office: Conakry
Languages used in the CEP: Sousous, Malinké, Pulaar, Kissi, Guerze, French, English
Regions where we work: Upper Guinea
Strategic Partners: Government of Guinea, UNICEF, UNFPA
Operational Partners: Global Environment, Club des Amis du Monde (CAM), Guinean Center of Training and Education for Development (CEGUIFED), Guinean Association for Rural Development and the Environment (GUIDRE), Association of Youth in the Service of Humanity (AJSH), Engineers for Sustainable Development (CAID).
Tostan currently implements the Community Empowerment Program (CEP) in 40 communities in Upper Guinea. We are also working to reinforce the System of Child Protection in Guinea (SyPEG) through establishing, restructuring, and training community-level Child Protection Committees and Local Councils for Children and Families. The Community Management Committees (CMCs) in current partner communities form 10 CMC federations, which seek to better support development initiatives designed at the local level by community members themselves. Over the course of 2018, families from partner communities built 956 improved stoves. Thanks to awareness-raising efforts by CMCs, 880 children aged 0-5 years received polio vaccinations and communities organized 130 public clean-up days.