These abilities are taught along with literacy, numeracy, organization, and management skills. When combined, these skills enable participants to harness the power of mobile technology for positive social transformation.
Participants are able to engage in effective organized diffusion and social mobilization by being able to transmit information clearly and quickly within their community and beyond. This can range from reminding community members about upcoming village clean-ups and public declarations to sharing information and thoughts on Tostan lessons, or starting discussions about the knowledge gained. Participants from remote villages can connect to the wider community, creating access to necessary information and contacts such as health information and professionals.
“I have taught all my friends and family who are not in the Tostan program what they can do with their phones. We used to only call each other, but now we can do things like send text messages and use reminders.”
Fatou Sané, Tostan participant, Koubalan (2008)