Today we are thrilled to announce that Tostan’s 2013 Annual Report has been published and is available in the Annual Reports and Financials section of our website.
2013 was a remarkable year for Tostan. We began full-scale implementation of several important additions to our educational programming, which included our Reinforcement of Parental Practices (RPP) and Peace and Security modules. These new modules represent exciting new directions for Tostan’s empowering, community-led approach.
We also saw tremendous momentum in communities across the countries where we work; for example, 30 communities announced their commitment to abandon female genital cutting at public declarations in Mauritania and Mali.
The report explains our decision to highlight the Community Management Committees (CMCs) in our partner communities as these committees continue to successfully collaborate with microfinance institutions and development agencies. It also includes our financials, as well as a list of all of our donors and partners, to whom we are very grateful.
Thank you for taking a moment to read about the accomplishments of the communities with which we partnered in 2013, and about all of the staff, volunteers, partners and supporters that every day make their work , and ours, possible.