This spring, two national television stations, Nederland 2 in the Netherlands and TV5 MONDE in France, featured Tostan on their international news programs.
On April 4th, Nederland 2 reported on Tostan and the village of Keur Simbara, the home of Demba Diawara, the community leader who coordinated the first public declaration to end female genital cutting (FGC) and child/forced marriage. Diawara, a participant in Tostan’s Community Empowerment Program in the mid-nineties, discovered the importance of uniting intermarrying communities for the abandonment of harmful traditional practices. Follow this link to watch the segment on Demba Diawara and Keur Simbara (in Dutch and English): Senegal Collectief Tegen Besnijdenis .
This follows an earlier interview with Sabine Panet, the Director of Tostan France, on TV5 Monde in France. Follow this link to watch Sabine’s interview (in French): Journée Internationale pour l’Abandon de l’Excision