Tostan celebrated its 30th anniversary with a series of activities during the week of March 14-18, 2022 at the Tostan Training Center (TTC) in Thiès. It was a moment of sharing, testimonies, communion, filled with love and emotions. The official celebration ceremony was held on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.
The NGO Tostan recalled its fabulous journey and its achievements during the last thirty years in the presence of partners, donors, the board of directors, former and current staff members from the different coordinations and countries of intervention of Tostan (Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali and Senegal), guests, administrative and local authorities of Thiès, the local press, etc.
It was also on this occasion that the Kër Tostan museum was inaugurated by the Prefect of the Department of Thiès and in the presence of the Executive Director of Tostan, Mrs. Elena Bonometti, followed by a tour of the premises.
Kër Tostan means in Wolof “the house of Tostan”, and as its name indicates, it is a space dedicated to the whole Tostan family. A space with souvenirs that retrace the life of the organization since its creation in 1991 by its founder Mrs. Molly Melching.
Kër Tostan is a place to remember some of Tostan’s most important activities and to pay tribute to the people involved in those moments. It is also a place to measure the long road traveled and the work done for the well-being of the communities. Photos, medals and trophies, art objects, fabrics, books… have decorated the space Kër Tostan located inside Tostan Training Center (TTC) in Senegal. Real memories that remain anchored in the memory of every visitor to evolve towards new perspectives for the promotion of Dignity for All!