Diane Gillespie is donating all proceeds from her latest book Stories for Getting Back to Sleep to Tostan. As a long-standing Global Mobilizer, she is especially moved by the emerging women leaders in Tostan communities and by their commitment to a human rights agenda.

Stories for Getting Back to Sleep is a collection of short stories that draws on recent research from cognitive behavior therapy, an approach now recommended for most sleep problems. The stories help to relax the body and mind by encouraging readers to imagine scenes far away from the stresses of their real world interactions. The American Sleep Association estimates that 50-70 million adults in the USA are not getting the sleep necessary for their wellbeing and most medications have been shown to have adverse side effects. Diane’s book contributes to the growing movement to help people experience abundant and natural sleep, for improved wellbeing.



Find out more in Diane’s interview on New Day Northwest in the USA: 

Stories for Getting Back to Sleep is available online and at bookstores. It makes a wonderful gift.

Want to help further? More of the profits go to Tostan when you order 5 or more books directly from Diane (dianegillespie@gmail.com). You could also publicize the book through social media, write book reviews online, and ask your local bookstores to display it in a prominent place.

Diane has written for Tostan Stories on Medium about her experience as a Tostan volunteer and her inspirations for the book. If you are interested in sharing about what our work with local communities has meant to your life, please get in touch (madeleinerace@tostan.org). We’d love to hear from you.